Vape Battery Safety Guide for Beginners

Once upon a time, vapers had very slim pickings when it came to e-cigarettes. There wasn't a whole host of knowledge available at your fingertips like there is now. However, the world of vaping has rapidly evolved in recent times, and with that has come a variety of different types of electronic cigarettes and vaping products from different types of chargers, an endless array of e-liquids and more.

Because of this, it's become ever more important for new and old vapers alike and completely clued up on e-cigarettes in order to have the best vaping experience possible. That's why we've put a range of safety tips together to help use your vape batteries more safely. As the old adage goes - "safety first" is there for a reason, and this always applies to vaping. 

What is a vape battery?

A battery is a device that stores energy and converts it into electrical energy. Batteries are used in many electronic devices, including e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes require batteries to heat the e-liquid and create vapour. There are many different types of batteries used in e-cigarettes. Battery safety might sound like a chore, but we assure you it is a lot more simple and straightforward than it sounds, and just as essential!

The Different Types of Vape Batteries


Internal vape batteries are encased within the vape device and cannot be taken out or tampered with. They are far more straightforward than an external vape battery as you don't have to worry about finding the right battery that is compatible with your vape. All of that is taken care of before the vape has hit your doorstep.

When looking up e-cigarettes with internal batteries, you may notice that they are measured in mAh. For example, an e-cigarette may have a built-in 520mAh battery. This measurement stands for milliamp hours, and this relates to the amount of charge the battery can hold and how long it can be used before needing to be re-charged. 

To charge internal batteries, just use the cable that is supplied with the vape kit. This is typically a USB-C charger as it provides a safe and efficient method of charging. An internal battery also has a shorter charging time due to the battery being a lot smaller than an external e-cigarette battery.

The size of the battery very much equates to power, and internal batteries are smaller and less powerful than external batteries. However, this isn't intended to be a negative point as such as it just means that they output less power and vapourise less e-liquid. This makes them good for mouth-to-lung vape devices and in turn as they create a much smoother, more discreet vape that more closely resembles a traditional cigarette. 

However, it's not just mouth-to-lung vapes that have internal batteries.There are also built-in battery vape mods that are designed for sub-ohm vaping. However, whilst still being able to output decent amounts of vapour, these vapes are not as powerful as the vape mods that use external batteries as they typically have a maximum power output of 80Ws. Another major downside to this is that once the battery has died you cannot replace it, and you have to purchase a new vape mod. 


External batteries, also known as manual batteries, are very different to internal batteries for many reasons. For starters, they are a lot larger and require more care and maintenance. Battery safety is in many ways more of a focus with external batteries as they are more aspects for vapers to be aware of and have more control over. For example, you can't just pair any external battery with any vape and you can end up causing damage to your vaping device and your battery.

The most common type of external battery is a 18650 battery, however 20700 and 21700 batteries are also used. These names refer to the measurements of the battery, so in the case of a 18650 battery the battery is 18mm x 65mm. They provide a lot more power which is why they are used in sub-ohm vaping, creating the large clouds of vapour. 

Mods are typically the type of vape that use external batteries, whether they be single or dual batteries. Sub-ohm vaping is typically not recommended for beginners as there is a lot more to them than smaller pod kits that are much more straightforward to use. There's a tonne of vaping information, different modes and customisability that comes with sub-ohm vaping and using mods.

There are two main types of mods that use external batteries - regulated and unregulated mods. This relates to the current flow, with regulated mods accurately regulating the flow of electricity from the battery to ensure that it doesn't overheat and short-circuit. Unregulated mods on the other hand do not have these safety features in-built, and require the vaper to press the button to activate the vape and heat up the coil manually. The major drawback here is that for someone who is new to vaping, they could very easily overheat the battery and cause damage to the e-cig. Vape battery safety is paramount as there is a lot more than is being asked of the batteries. 

Battery Safety

Lithium ion batteries are made with safety measures such as over-charge protection, but don't allow that to let you become complacent. Because of the chemicals that are used in lithium ion batteries, it means that they do have the potential to explode. Although this is a very unlikely worst case scenario, other potential problems can still occur such as an overheating battery which can be very unsafe and cause damage to your e-cigarette devices.

Many things can cause e-cig batteries to be damaged, such as not transporting them correctly, handling them wrong, short circuits and poor insulation. Short circuits happen when the charge flow is able to come into contact with both the positive and negative terminals. This often happens because the battery has been overheated. 

To help prevent these potential health risks, we've compiled a number of vape battery safety tips that you can follow to minimise your safety risk when using batteries:

Battery Cases

Using a battery case for transportation is very important when it comes to ensuring you don't cause any damage to your battery. Carrying your battery around with you in your pocket is not recommended as it can bash around in your pocket, knocking on your keys and phone. 

Use a Battery Wrap

It's not that uncommon to encounter a battery wrap tear on one of your batteries. Vapers who continue to use the vape battery without replacing the battery wrap pose a genuine safety risk upon themselves by doing so.

Use the right battery charger

We have seen it many times where people have come into the store with damaged batteries as they've not used the correct battery charger. A lot of vapers are under the impression that you can pair any battery with any charger and this is a big no! Ensure that the voltage output of your battery charger matches the voltage of your battery. 

Use a good quality vape battery charger

You want to ensure that you're using a high-quality charger that is purchased from a reputable vape store. You might think you're saving yourself a few pennies by purchasing a cheaper battery charger, but this can result in battery explosions because of discharging and overcharging. 

Do not use damaged batteries

When it comes to battery safety, discarding damaged batteries is very important. If you notice any damage in your batteries, be it small or large signs of damage, it is always best to discard them as using them can pose a serious safety risk. Never use a battery that looks damaged in your electronic cigarette! 

Leaving batteries unattended 

Whenever charging your batteries, it's important to keep a keen eye on them as leaving them unattended. Thankfully, a lot of mods are now made with overcharge protection to reduce the risk of damage.

Looking After your Batteries

Battery maintenance is essential to ensuring you're getting the very most out of your e-cigarettes. One simple thing you can do to maintain the health of your batteries is to keep your batteries charged up. Vaping at high wattages will drain your batteries much faster as your e-cigarette is drawing a lot more power from the battery in order to vaporise more e-liquid. 

Another thing you can do is to clean the battery terminals of your e-cigarette. To do this, just remove your battery and use an earbud to clean them.

How do I safely dispose of vape batteries?

When your batteries come to the inevitable end of their life, it's important to know how to dispose of them correctly. We've all seen it before, unsure of what you're meant to do with your dead batteries so they just end up being left in a draw or bad, slowly building up over time. You certainly don't want to be putting your batteries in the bin either as it can be very harmful to the environment. 

Thankfully, many vape shops will gladly take your dead batteries off your hands in order to dispose of them correctly. This takes the headache of having to worry about disposing of the battery yourself, and it's more convenient as you can just return your batteries whenever you visit your local vape next for your next top up of e-liquid.

Alternatively, you can use Recycle Now to locate your nearest recycling facility that you can take your vape batteries to in order to be recycled. 

To conclude

Taking proper care of your batteries is a key part of e-cigarette safety. Looking after your batteries properly will save you so much money in the long-run as your batteries won't be meeting their untimely end any longer. 

But even if this doesn't spur you on enough to take vape battery safety seriously, then your health should. We've all heard those stories of battery explosions, and whilst extremely rare, it is important to keep an eye on your batteries to ensure that this doesn't happen to yours. 

By following these simple e-cigarette battery safety tips, you can experience safer and more enjoyable vaping.


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